Oxygene Light v2

Released 21 years, 7 months ago. February 2003

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Prince Ali

Oxygene Light v2
Author Prince Ali
Family Oxygene Light
Category Webdownloader
Version Oxygene Light v2
Released Date Feb 2003, 21 years, 7 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
size: 26,126 bytes


Author Information / Description
Oxygene Light Webdownloader FWk :
Well As some people requested multiple files downloading and firewall,Av killing features,this is a Modified Version of oxygene Webdownloader
Well the Size has increased to 25 kb with the Following features:

-2 different File Downloading,with possibilie of downloading each file in the directory u choose and running from their on the vic pc.

-Firewall and Anti virus killing (Temporarly),on running Oxygene Will kill any firewall or av running allowing the downloadign and the execution of the file,after the file are downloaded oxygene will Stop firewall killing cause the file is downloaded and oxygene has did his part of the job.

-Icq notification,after downloading the 2 files and running them slightly on the Victim pc ,oxygene will Send u a notification on ur icq informing you that the files have been download and executed and will get u the IP adress.
-Open Editor.
-Load prince.dll.
-Edit and save.
*tip : be sure Prince.dll and upx are in the same directory of the editor.

Sunday 9-2-2003 3:43 am (Beirut-Lebanon).

Prince Ali

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