Oblivion 0.1

Released 23 years, 7 months ago. June 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

Family Oblivion
Category Remote Access
Version Oblivion 0.1
Released Date Jun 2001, 23 years, 7 months ago.
Language Visual C++
Additional Information

size: 18.996 bytes

port: 7826 TCP

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Zip Driver Loader" 
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\Zip Driver Loader "StubPath"

Author Information / Description
Oblivion 0.1 release 2 with fixed client.
Another RatPack Creation by Stan.

First release had a bug that may cause the client to crash if it
couldn't connect.
That is fixed in this second release.  Thanks :)
The Editserver/Server are the same..
I just included them for convenience, and to reduce confusion.

I do not condone the illegal use of Oblivion.
In fact, I do not want to know you, or have anything to do with you if you use Oblivion illegally.
Oblivion is a free remote administration tool to be used by anyone,
and does have valid uses outside of illegal ones.
I would also like to apologize to anyone that has been a victim to the misuse of this program by a criminal.


Oblivion is a Remote Administraton Tool coded in C by Stan.

--==System Requirements==--

I'm not sure what all OS's Oblivion will run on since I skipped beta testing,
but it works fine on win 98 SE, which is what I currently use,
and I tried to make it NT/XP/2000 compatible allthough I have not tested it on those systems yet.
And of course an internet connection is required too.
Pretty much any speed processor or amount of memory should work with Oblivion. 

--==The Goal==--

Make a RAT that is secure, small, and configurable that will allow you to other things while you upload or download.
I want my RAT to be one of the first small RAT's that allows you to be downloading from one person while you are on another.
And while focusing on those things, I also wanted to learn C, and win32 programming TCP/IP programming better.
As of now.. I think I have succeeded in reaching my goal with my first release.

--==The First Release==--

Oblivion 0.1 Features...
Ping/Pong		<-- First feature I added hehe
Password Protection
ICQ online alert
List Directory
List Drives
Execute File
Delete File or Directory
Create Directory
Copy File
Get File Size
Single button to change to the proper Windows or System directory.
Non Blocking Upload File <-- Upload and still do other things,
even upload multiple files at once or upload while you are connected to somone else.
Non Blocking Download File <-- Same Idea as the upload
Remove server with client
Abiltiy to change ICQ UIN, Password, or Listen Port with the client
Startup Methods... Registry Run and Run Services, win.ini run and load, system.ini,
and a less known method called.. Active Setup Component.
Ability to change most settings before execution with an edit server.

--==Thank You==--

I would like to thank all the people that have effected my life to go in the direction it has gone.
Many people that read this, may not think they have had as much of an inpact on my life as they have.
If you have had an IRC server I have been on, or hosted a security related website, or wrote a trojan.
Maybe you have posted some code on the internet that helped me learn, or just became my friend, (or enemy).
People that have done these things have dramaticly changed the direction of
my life from a person that doesnt know what he likes, to a person that has
found what he loves.  For this.. I can never repay you. Thank You.
Special thank you goes out to everyone in the ratpack.


For this release of Oblivion I dont have a website,
because I dont have anyone to host it, and as you know.. 
the site wouldnt survive long on a free web host.  So if anyone would be
kind enough to host a site for me I would be very happy.


If you would like to contact me, get an IRC client like mIRC, www.mirc.com,
then join one of the following IRC servers.
irc.LCIrc.net (Legally Challenged IRC).
subseven.mine.nu (The SubSeven IRC server).
I'm usually on #oblivion, #subseven, and #idlechat.
My nick is Stan.
Please Note.. Do Not Send Bots To Either Of These Networks!!! 
And Keep The Chat Legal, and dont ask for a way to crack Oblivion server passwords, because there isnt one!
The password is there for protection!  And people trust me to not make a way to get around it.
Thank you for following the rules :-).

If you recognize any personal information on this page and wish to have it removed or redacted, please contact us at jplesueur@phrozen.io. We are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with GDPR regulations.