NtRootkit 1.21

Released 20 years, 8 months ago. January 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By yyt hac

NtRootkit 1.21
From China
Author yyt hac
Family NT RootKit
Category Rootkit
Version NtRootkit 1.21
Released Date Jan 2004, 20 years, 8 months ago.
Language Visual C++

Author Information / Description
********yyt_hac's ntrootkit Server Command List********
?-------------------------------Show this list
HideFileDir [FileName or DIR]----------------------Hide the file or directory(no
 para will show all file or directory been hidden)
HideProcId [pid]----------------Hide process with the id
HideProcName [procname]---------Hide process with the process name
HideKey [KeyName]---------------Hide the registry key
HideValue [ValueName]-----------Hide the registry value
HideUser [UserName]-------------Hide the User
HideServ [ServiceName]----------Hide the Service
ShowFileDir FileName or DIR-----UnHide the file or directory that been hidden be
ShowProcId pid------------------UnHide the process that been hidden before with
the id
ShowProcName procname-----------UnHide the process that been hidden before with
the process name
ShowKey KeyName-----------------UnHide the registry key
ShowValue ValueName-------------UnHide the registry value
ShowUser UserName---------------UnHide the user that been hidden before
ShowServ ServiceName------------UnHide the service that been hidden before
Get RemoteFilePath [LocalFilePath]----Get the remote file to local computer
Put LocalFilePath [RemoteFilePath]----Put the local file to remote computer
KeyLogOn------------------------------Start key log
KeyLogOff-----------------------------Stop key log
DDOS DDos_Destip [DDos_Destport DDos_type DDos_seconds DDos_ProcCount]---DDos th
e destip
SDDOS---------------------------------Stop DDos
GetPwd [LocalFilePath]----------------Get the ntrootkit keylog password file to
local computer
DelPwd--------------------------------Del the ntrootkit keylog password file
Ps------------------------------------Show all processes on remote machine
Kill pid------------------------------Kill the process with the id or name
RTVer---------------------------------Show Ntrootkit server version and author i
SetPass [NewPassword]-----------------Change or show the connection password
Reboot--------------------------------Reboot the targer computer
OpenShell-----------------------------Open a command shell
system command------------------------excute command use system fuction
getsysinfo----------------------------get remote system infomation
getfile URL [LocalFileName]-----------get file from the URL to LocalFileName
Exit----------------------------------Exit the shell or rootkit

yyt hac

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