
Released 20 years, 11 months ago. October 2003

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Christophe Devine

Author Christophe Devine
Family NTbindshell
Category Remote Access
Version NTbindshell
Released Date Oct 2003, 20 years, 11 months ago.
Language C, Source included
Additional Information
size: 24.576 bytes

port: 26103 TCP


Author Information / Description
 * Win32 RootKit - cmd.exe remote shell backdoor
 * (c) 2003 Christophe Devine 
 * Distributed for educational purposes only!
 * Before running ntbindshell.exe, rename it to
 * "rsmss.exe" and copy it into %windir%\system32.
 * This program will automatically register itself
 * as a system service the first time it is run,
 * provided it has the required privileges.
 * To remove the service, start Regedit and delete
 * Services\RSMSS, then reboot the computer.
 * Backdoor usage:
 *   normal (listen) mode: rsmss <port>
 *   reverse-connect mode: rsmss <port> <host>

Christophe Devine

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