MSN Corruption

Released 21 years, 9 months ago. December 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Jay

Author Jay
Family MSN Corruption
Category Remote Access
Version MSN Corruption
Released Date Dec 2002, 21 years, 9 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information

size: 69,632 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "SysOps" 
(tested on win200)

Author Information / Description
Send "M$N Corruption.exe" to your victim (we recomend you rename it).
if your not sure they have opened it type ":P:P" (recomended that you do this anyway).
once you have done that Type /commands in you victims IM Convo.
/nickname 	Changes nickname (example, /nickname I'm a gay twat!)
/flood		Nickname Flood
/online		Sets status to Online
/invisible	Sets status to Appear Offline
/brb		Sets status to Be Right Back
/away		Sets status to Away
/busy		Sets status to Busy
/out to lunch   Sets status to Out to Lunch
/on the phone	Sets status to On the Phone
/logoff		Logs victim off

M$N Corruption has built in invisible file transfer...
Once you have sent your victim a file tpe && to open the file (EXE)

/delete		Deletes file(s) (example, /delete c:\windows\*.*)
/run		Run file(s) (example, /run c:\windows\fileusent.exe)
/mass		Mass Message (example, /mass I'm Gay!)
/onlinecontacts	Get all victims online contacts
/deleteall	Delete all contacts
/addalldeleted	Add All Deleted contacts
/add		add a contact (Example, /add
[email protected]
/block		Block a contact (Example, /block
[email protected]
/unblock	UnBlock a contact (Example, /unblock
[email protected]
/remove		Remove a contact (Example, (/remove
[email protected]
/invite		Invite a contact into current conversation (Example,
[email protected]
/disableall	Disable all incoming messages
/enableall	Enable all incoming messages
Happy Hackin'

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