
Copyright © MegaSecurity

By RNS Software

Author RNS Software
Family mBat
Category Remote Access
Version mBat
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
size: 9.216 bytes

port: 200 TCP


Author Information / Description
sorry for this shit readme.txt, but I have not much time to write this file...
mBat is a (more or less) nonsense program, but since it's small, it might be usefull for you:
mBat let you write a batch program remotly
you must connect via telnet to the remote IP with the Port 200
(Start->Run: telnet [IP] 200)

after you finished writing it, you must press °
Then you will be asked if you want to save (and execute) the file
if you press no, you can rewrite the whole thing
if you press yes, type in where you want to save the .bat file
then it will be executed.

Ah, the error you will see when you open the file is FAKE!!! (althogh it seems high-realistic)

mBat only works on Win95SP2,Win98,WinME (not NT/2k/XP)

P.S.: When opening with "-debug", mBat will be visible!
      so you can see it in realtime on your Screen
P.P.S.: mBat does NOT reboot

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