
Released 18 years, 1 month ago. August 2006

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By ZeroByte

Author ZeroByte
Family MadCow
Category Remote Access
Version MadCow
Released Date Aug 2006, 18 years, 1 month ago.
Additional Information
dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\winsys.exe                        Size: 439,808 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\win32ctrl.cpl    Size: 396,800 bytes 

port: 5431 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "win32ctrl"
data: control.exe C:\Windows\system32\drivers\win32ctrl.cpl 

tested on Windows XP
November 17, 2006

Author Information / Description
MadCow is a stealth trojan for Windows 2000/XP/2003.
It's a win32 controlpanel-applet (.cpl) file, that hides itself in the system service 'svchost.exe'
so it can't be closed.

1) Install the Madcow trojan on the victims computer using the included installer.

2) At your own computer open a telnet connection to the victim on port 579.
   Now you just see a blank screen... Now type: "letmein" and press return.

3) You should now see the text "/$". Now you can type in your command. (see list of commands).
   Have fun  >:]

ps  	  = Process list. This shows you a list of all the open programs on the victims computer.
kill 	  = Kills a process. Use like: "kill 3519". (Hint: To shutdown the computer kill 'winlogon').
cmd  	  = Opens a command prompt with admin rights, so you can do almost everything 
            you want on the victims computer.
uninstall = Disables madcow autorun function.
exit 	  = Exit MadCow.

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