Litmus 2.03

Released 23 years, 4 months ago. May 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By The Litmus Group

Author The Litmus Group
Family Litmus
Category Remote Access
Version Litmus 2.03
Released Date May 2001, 23 years, 4 months ago.
Additional Information
dropped file:

size: 36.384 bytes

port: 113 TCP

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "LTM2"

Author Information / Description
Litmus V.2.3: 
           The Best IRC Zombie Bot, has spreadnet, floodnet, spam alot more.  

	   Run Config.exe then you should input the info you need.

           .ident <password>      
            will idetify you as the master (note: you must have *lit* in your ident)	

           .download <web site>
            will download the file from a site and put it in the home dir C:\%windir%\litmus\               by default (note: _dont_ use http://)

           .exec <file>
            will run the file in the _HOME_ directory

           .exec stow.exe 
            will run C:\windows\litmus\stow.exe
	   .del <file>
	    will delete the specified using the specified path

           .ping <host> <time>
            will ping specified host for the time specified
            you can stack these up ( Ex .ping 60 .ping 60 )

           .clones load <server> <port> <n>
            loads n clones onto the irc server ( Ex .clones load 6667 3 )
            (note: you can have about ~40 clones max per host)

           .clones raw <commands>
            all of the clones will send this info to the server
            Ex: .clones raw PRIVMSG #channel :!list

           .clones die
            kills clones

           .raw <command>
	    bot does this command
	    Ex: .raw join #channel

            kills bot

New Commands / features:

The onjoin bot is supposed to reconnect when it disconnects, 
but i havent fully  tested.

           .oj load <server>  
             this will load up the bot onto any irc server
	     Ex: .oj load

	   .oj msg <spam msg> 
             this message will be noticed to anyone that joins a room the onjoin bot is on
	     Ex: .oj msg Visit:

	   .oj con <dothis> 
             the onjoin bot will do this raw command when it connects
	     Ex: .oj join #kampung,#mamak,#manila,#lima

	   .oj quit   
             Kills the onjoin bot

	   .oj file <somefile>  
             the bot will send this file to anyone who joins the room via the dcc server
             Ex: .oj file pub.exe

	   .oj me <nick> 
             name your bot uses to dcc send your file  (defaults to barbara)
             Ex: .oj me ChanServ

           .oj nick <nick> 
             changes the nick of your onjoin bot
	     Ex: .oj nick Guest58667

	   .oj stain <filename>  
             This is the name your file is sent _AS_
	     Ex .oj stain setup.exe

	   .oj join <channel> 
             Joins the on join  bot to a channel
		ex .oj join #test

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