Kit Stealer

Released 20 years ago. September 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Versati

Kit Stealer
Author Versati
Family Kit Stealer
Category Information Stealer
Version Kit Stealer
Released Date Sep 2004, 20 years ago.
Additional Information
tested on Windows XP
March 21, 2006

Author Information / Description
Kit Stealer is a password login software currently Supporting the following password types:

- password stored on cookies files, outlock...

- RAS passwords (internet connection...)

- Instant Messaging Passwords (msn, yahoo, icq ...)

How To Use:

Pick the types of passwords you want to log (coockies/RAS/IM)

If you want to pack the server with UPX check the ""Compresser avec upx" box

Finally click on "build" to create server

Server and logs files will have a different name related to the passwords you choose to log

The coockie stealer will be zcoo.exe logging to c:\zcoo.txt

The RAS stealer will be zcon.exe logging to c:\zcon.txt

The Instant Messaging stealer will be zmsn.exe logging to c:\zmsn.html

Why the name of the files always starts with "z"? Quite simply because the files are arranged 

alphabetically and thus it is easier to locate them.


These stealer was carried out by the programs:  pspv, dialupass and mspass 

The password stealer aren't compatible on w98/mil


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