Kilo 0.11.9

Released 23 years ago. September 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By BloodWalker

Kilo 0.11.9
Author BloodWalker
Family Kilo
Category Remote Access
Version Kilo 0.11.9
Released Date Sep 2001, 23 years ago.
Language Delphi

Author Information / Description
__  __   ______   __       _____       _____     ____    ____    __     __    
/\ \/\ \ /\__  _\ /\ \     /\  __`\    /\  _ `\ /\   _`\/\   _`\/\  \ __/\ \   
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 \ \ , <    \ \ \  \ \ \  __\ \ \ \ \   \ \ \/_/_\ \ ,  /\ \  _\_\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 
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   \ \_\ \_\ /\_____\\ \____/ \ \_____\   \ \____/ \ \_\ \_\ \____/\ `\___ ___/
    \/_/\/_/ \/_____/ \/___/   \/_____/    \/___/   \/_/\/ /\/___/  '\/__//__/ 

---[ Proudly Presentz ]--------------------------------------------------------

---[ KiLo Server ]-------------------------------------------------------------

---[ Version: 1.9.01 ]---------------------------------------------------------

[ New in this Version ]

- Command "cursor spy" added! Check it out!!
- Command "light bomb" added!
- Command "minimze all apps" added!
- Command "get visible apps" added!
- Command "set cursor pos
" added!
- Command "control mouse" added!
- Command "pc info" added!
- Some more Informations in PC Info added ;-)
- And last but not least da KILO ONLINE VICTIM INDEX!!!!!!!!!!!
That's all guyz ;-)

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