
Released 23 years, 11 months ago. October 2000

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Zitus

Author Zitus
Family KillDientes
Category Remote Access
Version KillDientes
Released Date Oct 2000, 23 years, 11 months ago.
Additional Information
dropped file:

size 8 KB

port: 8899 TCP


Author Information / Description
KillDientes V1.4 by Zitus


At last, the working release of the Killdientes BackOrifice,
featuring never-before-seen capabilities.

The zip file contais: SexQuiz.exe (The server for Win98)
		      KillDientes.exe  (The Client for every MS Platform)

Simply send the appropiate server to a friend with the corresponding system,
when the user executes the archive, it displays a message simulating an error on the execution.
When the machine is rebooted, the server will be working.
Just bring up our favorite program (killdientes)
and type the ip of the victim in there to deliver some fun to his machine. 
In future versions i will make the server send an email with the IP of the victim,
to a customized address (for the lamerz who doesn't know how to get the IP).

Version 1.4 features:

- Logoff User
- Goto Porn page
- Hang the machine (only win98 svr.)
- Open & close CD-ROM
- Open Start Menu
- Minimize the active window
- Kill the server (to leave no traces)
- Winamp Control
- Timer functions : for standing right beside the victim and see the effect
		    (for LAN's)

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