
Copyright © MegaSecurity

By PhotoPaul

Author PhotoPaul
Family Kernel32
Category Remote Access
Version Kernel32
Language Win32Asm
Additional Information
dropped file:
size: 8,224 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Kernel"

tested on Windows XP
November 29, 2006

Author Information / Description
How to use it:
1) Run the Client
2) Enter your victim's IP (you can get it in many ways e.g. in mIRC type "/dns NickName" where NickName is your victim's nick) or HOST (e.g.
3) Then click Connect (and here comes the fun :-)

When connected you can send the following commands which MUST be lowercase:
a) msgb???|???
Displays a MessageBox on your victim's screen
	Type the MessageBox's title, where the first ??? are
	Type the MessageBox's main message, where the second ??? are
b) close
Terminates the server for the current session
	You can't re-connect until the victim's PC is restarted
c) boot
Shuts Down the victim's PC
	You can't use it if you have first used the "close" command :-P
d) runa?????[ ?????]
Runs an application on your victim's PC
	Full command line support
	(e.g. "runac:\win98\notepad.exe win.ini")
e) pass
Retrieves Cached Passwords
	MessageBoxes appear on your screen containing your victim's Cached Passwords
	If something goes wrong, a txt containing the password will be created in Client's path

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