Institution FWB 1.1

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Aphex

Author Aphex
Family Institution
Category Remote Access
Version Institution FWB 1.1
Language Delphi
Additional Information
size: 51 KB

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "server"

Author Information / Description
Institution FWB 1.1 by Aphex of EES

This uploader is the perfect tool to manage a massive amount of computers. It injects it's
threads into the windows shell allowing it to run without creating it's own process. Also
this allows the server to access the internet as a trusted application. What could be more
trusted than the windows shell?

The server works with LANs, proxies and routers. The transfer manager is very intuitive.
You can upload files to one or all servers. With a few clicks you can run your file on
thousands of computers. Completely invisible!

Files that end in ".exe" are ran, others are saved.
[email protected]

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