Institution 1.0

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Aphex

Institution 1.0
Author Aphex
Family Institution
Category Remote Access
Version Institution 1.0
Additional Information

size: 4.096 bytes

port: 5152 TCP

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Institution.exe"

Author Information / Description
Institution 1.0 by Aphex of EES

This 4KB (2KB compressed) uploader/downloader is the smallest auto-installing trojan that
I know of. You can upload files or download urls. This makes a great backup trojan.
Just bind it to your favorite full size trojan and you won't even know it's there until you
need it. To create a new server open the client and click the "E" at the top right corner.

NOTE: Make sure the first file you uploaded isn't still in use before you try to upload the
second, or it won't upload.
[email protected]

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