Infector 1.4

Released 24 years, 6 months ago. March 2000

Copyright © MegaSecurity


From Belgium
Author FC
Family Infector
Category Remote Access
Version Infector 1.4
Released Date Mar 2000, 24 years, 6 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
size: 300.544 bytes

port: 146, 17569 TCP

c:\windows\system.ini, [boot] "shell"

Author Information / Description
infector 1.4 second version to miss with av heheeheh

Now with edit server included and file manager and server pasword protected and download feature
also you can run edit server from client 

First edit the unpacked server set notify and password and compress it. Use Aspack, 
Neolite or UPX or a similar packer to do can run now the edit server from the client:)) you can also change the icon from the server with a programme like micro angelo 

After the server has been run click connect 
After connection to the victim you can set your  icq
number and  the name victim 


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