
Released 25 years ago. September 1999

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Del_armg0

From France
Author Del_armg0
Family Iblis
Category Remote Access
Version Iblis
Released Date Sep 1999, 25 years ago.
Language Delphi

Author Information / Description
|       iblis.exe       |
                    |      IRC BOT 4 WIN    |

Irc Bot for Windows - designed by Del_Armg0 - (c) - Magic¤°Software   09/99

| features :
------------    Just a bot for irc, u can Join, Part, Change nick, Op and DeOp.
 !!!ATTENTION==> for DeOp and Op commands u have to put the good channel for this Operation in the ...Join
                 "edit-window".  That' s all, Enjoy Iblis  It's Freeware ...  ; )


@@ IrcBot4Win - designed by Del_Armg0 - Sept1999 - MagicÏøSoftware 
Author is not responsable of what u do with this tool! Be c00l!! Be Zen!!
L'auteur n'est pas responsable de ce que vous faites avec cet outil !!!!!
[ IBLIS v.0.2 ]


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