GirlFriend 1.35 Server (b)

Released 25 years, 11 months ago. March 1999

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By General Failure

From Russia
Author General Failure
Family GirlFriend
Category Remote Access
Version GirlFriend 1.35 Server (b)
Released Date Mar 1999, 25 years, 11 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
dropped file:
size: 354.816 byte

port: 6667 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Windll.exe"
data: C:\WINDOWS\Windll.exe 

tested on Windows 98,
February 13, 2005

Author Information / Description
GirlFriend 1.35 by General Failure


Girlfriend is a program which allows you to get information on applications
running on remote PC. That means that if any computer connected to net
is infected with GirlFriend - you can connect to this PC and "steal" such
information as:
  - text, that "infected" user enters to any window containing password
  - passwords, which "infected" user enters to password fields.
You also can:
  - send "system" messages to remote PC;
  - play sounds;
  - show bitmaps (.bmp pictures);
  - run exe files;
  - send "victim" to any URL;
  - change server's port;
  - hide GF Client with BOSSKEY=F12;
  - scan subnet for infected servers;
  - save windows list;
  - work with files and folders using GF filemanager.

GirlFriend 1.35 pack includes:
  a) GirlFriend Server (windll.exe) - this file is for "victim";
  b) GirlFriend Client (gf.exe);
  c) help text file (gf.txt)


 GirFiend Server sits on infected computer and looks for windows in which
user enters passwords. Server writes these passwords with other textfields
in that window to registry and send this list on your demand.


 First you have to infect "victim": if you haven't physical access to
victim's PC - send him windll.exe. You may rename it and/or attach it to
any other executable file using silkrope (you may take it on When victim executes this file,
GirlFriend will write itself to Windows' directory and rename itself to
windll.exe.  It also will write a string "Windll.exe=<windows' dir>\windll.exe"
to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
in registry. GirlFriend Server will save all it's data in
Ones victim runs GirlFriend Server - it will run every time when victim
loads Windows. If you have physical acces to victim's PC - just run
GirlFriend Server on it!


 To connect to GirlFriend Server run GilrFriend Client (gf.exe) on your PC.
Then in field "IP:" enter IP address of infected computer.
In field "Port:" enter port which GirlFreiend Server "sits" on (default=21554).
Then press "Connect" button.
When client connects to server in statusbar "Connected to: <address>"
appears. If there will be message like "Error connecting to <address>" - it
means that server is not active (may be victim hadn't execute it?). You
also can scan subnet for infected PC's writing ip like this: "".

 When you are connected you can:
 - press "Show Passes" button. It will show a list of processes (windows)
containing password fields with passwords and other textfields data in
this window (e.g. window of remote access with Username, Password,
Connection name, etc.).
 - press "Send Message" button. There will appear a windows with types of
 system messages which you can show on remote computer.
 - press "Reset Password List" button which deletes the server's password
 list in "victim's" registry.
 - press "File manager" to file manager :)))
 - press "Custom" button to enter custom commands to server. Here the list
 of them (instead of words in parentheses you have to write specified data(
 without parentheses)):
     TEST?           - sends "Are you alive?" request to server. Server's
                           answer in "Server's answers" list must be
                           "Server OK"
     ver                - asks for server's version
     KillHER           - kills server (clears registry from server, but it
                            doesn't delete windll.exe from Windows' directory)
     {U}<URL>      - sends "victim" to specified URL (begin with "http://")
     {S}<sounfile> - plays specified "wav" file on "victim's" PC
     {P}<bmpfile> - shows specified "bmp" file on "victim's" PC
     DOWN            - switches "looking for passwords" timer on server OFF
                            (server won't scan for passwords)
     UP                  - switches "looking for passwords" timer ON
     setport<port> - sets server port to specified one (identic to
                             pressing "change" button)
     Logoff             - logs off user from windows
     Shutdown        - shuts down windows
     ReBOOT          - reboots victim's PC
     PowerOFF        - victm's power off 
     Name user       - displays current user's name
     time                - displays time
or just enter HELP? to help :)
You can press F12 to tray client and then press on trayicon with right
button to use these commands from popupmenu.
Press "About" button to know "more" about this program.
Press "Save list" to save windows & passwords list to text file.

If you'll have any questions/suggestions please write me to
[email protected]

General Failure.

P.S. Oh! I have forgotten to notice that it also takes passwords from Web
sites which infected user inputs!

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