GhostVoice 1.02 modified

Released 22 years, 2 months ago. December 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Caesar

Author Caesar
Family GhostVoice
Category Remote Access
Version GhostVoice 1.02 modified
Released Date Dec 2002, 22 years, 2 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
size: 431.184 bytes

size: 9.648 bytes

size: 147.456 bytes

Author Information / Description
GhostVoice Trojan By Caesar of Nuclear Winter Crew
Version 1.02

This is a very small trojan that will do just one task: *Speak*
Like LOM's Funcfactory but without having the character, just the
voice. LOL imagine how much scaryness u can bring to your vics ;)
Theres the editor that comes with the server and the client, to choose
install filenames, reg keys, port, password and icq notify. Remember to not put the .exe on the
file name, or it will became yourfile.exe.exe ;). Well its my first trojan so i 
think it got some bugs, but feel free to msg me thru Trojan Forge Forums 

PS: Dont pack the server before editing or you wont be able to edit it.

Nuclear Winter Crew: Caesar2k, SNip, Frosty911, Morpheus, Orion, RaideN, 
Blacksoulman, Vozzie, Yankee, Pyrator, Brim, M1cr0, Alex-X, hippytyre, Pc

Fixed Bug: - Server were closing after some data sending
	     - Objects in the client and server were allocated and replaced
	     - Now server uses the wsck32.dll (Winsock 2.2 API) not the ocx that not much 
		 ppl had on their pcs
	     - First installation file wasnt copying and unloading itself causing the
		 original file was like been used by windows :P
           - The Remove server command wasnt removing the server 

Added: - Password protect connection
       - A client back picture, it was very ugly without a wall paper lol
	 - ICQ Pager
       - Will open the port just when the vic is online (Optional)
       - Both client and server carries necessary files to work properly(except runtimes)

Removed - Version Info (All VB6 Apps got that damn thing)

THX to:

Zatrix for the edit server code
Gobo for the flatstyle module
Read101 for the move form module
NWC Members for the support


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