Gate Crasher 1.1 Final

Released 25 years, 10 months ago. December 1998

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By KillBoy and PCX

Author KillBoy and PCX
Family Gate Crasher
Category Remote Access
Version Gate Crasher 1.1 Final
Released Date Dec 1998, 25 years, 10 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\EXPLORE.exe  size: 36.864 bytes   (Trojan.PSW.Inethlp)
c:\WINDOWS\Inet.hlp     size: 98.304 bytes   (Backdoor.GateCrasher.b)
c:\WINDOWS\Winsck.dat   size: 611.840 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\Winsck.ini   size: 1.511 bytes 

port: 1028 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Inet"

tested on Windows 98
January 10, 2005

Author Information / Description
GateCrasher 1.1 Final


GateCrasher 1.1 is a very powerful and malicious tool(if you are a milicious person), 
it can cause much damage on the victims computer if it falls into the wrong hands.
The developers of this software accept NO RESPONSIBILITY for your actions while 
using this software.


WELL... here it is, the very first trojan horse made entirely in Visual Basic! 
The MAIN reason this tool was developed was to prove to the world that Visual Basic
is a very powerful language and not just a toy! 

File Description
TCP.exe         This program is DISGUISED as a TCP/IP Booster, it actually DOES NOTHING. 
		The victim MUST run this file for The Trojan to work.

Port.dat	This is actually the SERVER disguised as a .DAT file, this file MUST be in the 
		same folder as Installer.exe.

GC.exe		This program is the GateCrasher Client, from here you connect to the victims 
		computer and you send commands to that connection which makes the server act
		on those commands.

Cleaner.exe	This Program Cleans ALL traces of The Trojan from your/victims computer.

MsWinsck.ocx	This is the Winsock ActiveX control used for TCP/IP comunication between 
		Server/Client. This file must be installed on the victims system.

MSVBVM60.DLL	This .DLL is the Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise RUNTIME LIBRARY, it is also required
		and must be in the victims windows\system folder.
Inet.hlp	This is the Server.

Inet,drv	This is the Conection Detection agent, it waits for an internet connection then 
		opens up ther server.


1)	Send the victim a zip file with: TCP.exe, Inet.hlp, Inet.drv, Winsck.dat, Winsck.ini
	mswinsck.ocx(if required) and Msvbv60.dll(if required)

2)	When the victim is infected their machine is open on port 6969 for you to connect 
	using the client.


N/B - All Option marked with "*" use the "Extra Data" box.

Hide Task Bar		Hides the victims TaskBar.

Show Task Bar		Shows the victims taskBar.

* Start Program		Starts an Program on the victims computer, program doesn't have to be 
			an .EXE, it will start and file with it's default program too. (use "Extra Data..."
			to specify program location).

* Open Webprowser	Opens the victims default Web Browser at the URL you specify(use "Extra Data..."
			to specify URL).

Open Control Panel	Opens the victims Control Panel.

Open Date/Time		Opens the victims Date/Time Options.

Open Appearence		Opens the victims Appearence Options.

Start Screen Saver	Starts the victims Screen Saver.

Open CD Door		Not Functional(in this version).

Close CD Door		Not Functional(in this version).

Close The Server	Closes the Server on the victims machine("Saver1.Exe").

* Delete File		Deletes a file you specify, from the victims machine(use "Extra Data..." to 
			specify path of file).

Reboot Computer		Reboots the victims computer.

* Delete Directory	Deletes a WHOLE directory from the victims computer(use "Extra Data..." to 
			specify path).

Clear Recent Folder	Clears the victims recent folder(The Documents folder on the START menu).

Close Windows		Ends the current windows session.

ShutDown!		Forces a shutdown!

Log Off			Loggs the victim off his/her current windows session.

Read from Drive A:	Reads from the victims floppy drive.

PING!			Sends a ping to the Server.

* Send Message		Sends a Message to the victim(use "Extra Data..." to specify text in message).

Get Windows Directory	Returns the victims WINDOWS directory.

Get Temp Directory	Returns the victims TEMP Directory.

Get Server Path		Returns the path that the server is installed on.

Get HD Letter		Returns the victims Hard Disk Letter.

Get Local Time		Returns the victims LOCAL TIME.

Get Active Windows	Returns the victims OPEN WINDOWS.

* Switch Window		Maximises a window on the victims computer that you specify(use the LIST BOX
			to specify window).

* Set Computer Name	Sets the victims Computer Name(use "Extra Data..." to specify the desired name).

Crazy Mouse Start	Makes the victims Mouse "CRAZY" and uncontolable.

Crazy Mouse Stop	Returns the victims Mouse to normal.

Get ICQ UIN		Returns the vitims ICQ#

* List File in Directory 	Lists all the files and any directory.

* Format Drive		Formats and drive on the victims Computer.

* Kill Window		Closes any window on the vitims Computer. (Use Get Active Windows)

* Search For File		Serches for a File, or a Pattern, on the vistims Computer. (e.g. , e.g. *.com)

* Set VolumeLabel For C	Sets the name of Drive C:.

* Set Computer Name	Sets the victims Computer Name.

* Send Text		Sends text to and active input box on the victims computer.

* Fill Drive		Creats a file on the victims Computer that fills up the entire drive.

Get Owner		Returns the Registered User of that Computer.

Get Organization	Returns the Registered Organization of that Computer.

Get Free Space		Returns the amount of free space on any drive.

Get OS			Returns the Operating System of the victims Computer.

Get Disk Serial #	Returns the Serial Number of any Disk.

Open FTP Server		Opens an FTP Server on the victims computer, gives you; List, Read Write, Delete, Make Dir, Delete Dir
			and Execute.

			Port: 6970
			Login: Gate

			Password: Crasher

KillBoy / Psyco Cowboy

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