Exploder Trojan

Released 22 years ago. September 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By xPOKA376x

From The Netherlands
Author xPOKA376x
Family Exploder Trojan
Category Remote Access
Version Exploder Trojan
Released Date Sep 2002, 22 years ago.
Language Visual Basic

Author Information / Description
/ip  = Get his IP

/taskstuff  = Hide taskbar

/keystuff  = Block the Keyboard

/mousestuff  = Freeze his Mouse

/away  = Put msn away

/online  = Put msn  online

/offline  = Put msn offline 

/busy  = Put msn occupy

/signout  = signout

/kill  = kill trojan

/off   = Powe off

/listmessage  = Send to contact list

/cdopen   = Open  cdrom 

/cdclose  = Close cdrom 

/cdflood  = Open/close cdrom  (5 �)

/cdautorun  = Put autorun on cd 

/mijoname  = Msn changed to mijo.nl.nu

/popuptalk  =  4 popups of his nickname

/mijosite  = Send to url

/windowserror  =  20 errors 

/bomb  = Online/offline flood (4 �)

/fun  = Send him a message baloon

/info  = Info about the trojan


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