Executer Controller b

Released 26 years, 4 months ago. May 1998

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Lavar

Executer Controller b
Author Lavar
Family Executer Controller
Category Remote Acces
Version Executer Controller b
Released Date May 1998, 26 years, 4 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
size: 231,424 bytes

port: 80 TCP

Author Information / Description


//DestroyDblClick           -Destroy Mouse Double Click              
//DestroyDesktopColors      -Change All System Colors To Yellow
//Disconnect                -Hang Up All Connections
//DestroyCtrlAltDel         -Disable CTRL+ALT+DEL Keys
//DestroyCursorPos          -Set Cursor Position To 0,0
//DestroyTrayWnd            -Hide Windows TaskBar
//DestroyWindows            -Reboot Computer
//EnableMadMouse            -Enable Jumping Mouse

//RestoreDblClick           -Enable Mouse Double Click
//RestoreCtrlAltDel         -Enable CTRL+ALT+DEL Keys
//RestoreTrayWnd            -Show Windows TaskBar
//DisableMadMouse           -Disable Jumping Mouse

//CopyProgramToWindowsDir   -Copy EXECUTER To C:\Windows\ Directory
//AddProgramToStartup       -Add EXECUTER To Windows StartUp

//Message1                  -Show Message-'Hello'
//Message2                  -Show Message-'Hello bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
//Message3                  -Show Message-'Do u ready to fuck your system??????!!!'
//Message4                  -Show Message-'ShutUp bitch!!!!!!!!!!'
//Message5                  -Show Message-'Get ready to start!!!!!!'
//Message6                  -Show Message-'Thats All bitch!!!!!!!!!'

//DeleteLogo.Sys            -Delete C:\Logo.sys
//DeleteWin.Com             -Delete C:\Windows\Win.com
//DeleteIo.Sys              -Delete C:\IO.sys
//DeleteSystem.Ini          -Delete C:\Windows\System.ini
//DeleteWin.Ini             -Delete C:\Windows\Win.ini
//DeleteConfig.Sys          -Delete C:\Config.sys
//DeleteAutoexec.Bat        -Delete C:\Autoexec.bat

//EnableScreenPaint         -Enable Paiting On The Screen('DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!')
//DisableScreenPaint        -Disable Paiting On The Screen('DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!')

//EnableManyForms           -Enable Creating Of Many Forms With Caption('DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!')
//DisableManyForm           -Disable Creating Of Many Forms With Caption('DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!')

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