Espionage 1.1

Released 22 years, 9 months ago. December 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By erebus

Author erebus
Family Espionage
Category Remote Access
Version Espionage 1.1
Released Date Dec 2001, 22 years, 9 months ago.
Language Visual Basic, compressed with ASPack
Additional Information

size: 23.552 bytes

port: 81 TCP

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Win SVC Host" 


Author Information / Description
Espionage is a trojan http server. it was created on an xp box with visual basic.
(it will run on all versions of windows)
trojan runs on port81 and is controlled through browser.
To access the server after infection
simply bring up http://server's ip:81 in your browser.

what is so different about espionage?
Espionage has the ability to close antivirus's on windows 95/98/NT/2k/XP,
including mcaffee and norton. also, on NT/2k/XP, the system task manager is disabled.
Registry editor and msconfig are also disabled along with many other
anti virus and firewall applications.

What else can espionage besides serve files via browser/http?
Espionage has the ability to view screen, view pc camera, view pc info, 


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