Erazer Lite 0.4

Released 19 years, 4 months ago. August 2005

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By (v)aster

From Austria
Author (v)aster
Family Erazer
Category Remote Access
Version Erazer Lite 0.4
Released Date Aug 2005, 19 years, 4 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
dropped file:
size: 41,196 bytes 

added to registry:
data: C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiecfg.exe 

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "IEXPLORER"
data: C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiecfg.exe 	

tested on Windows XP
August 02, 2005

Author Information / Description
:: Erazer Lite - Functions ::
  * Full Filemanager
    - Download
    - Upload
    - Remove Files
    - Create Folders
    - List Drives
    - List Files
    - Get Filesize
    - Get/Change File Attributes
    - Rename Files
    - Run Files
    - Goto Folder (Desktop, Personal Folder, ..)
  * Reverse/Direct connection
  * Uninstall Server
  * PHP-Notify (by gr00vy - Direct connection)
  * Static IP Notify (SIN - Reverse connection)
  * Iconchanger
  * Skinable (*.skn)
  * Only open Port/connect to IP - when Online
  * Serversize not packed: ~36kb (Packed: ~16kb)
  * Serversize fwb: ~40kb (Packed: ~18kb)
  * Melt function
  * Only open Port/connect to IP - when PC is online

      :: Added/Fixed in 0.3 ::
  * fwbp+ - Inject into Default Webbrowser (without DLL)
  * Random key for crypting Server settings
  * System\Server informations
      Computername, Username, Windows Version, Processor, 
      Server Informations (Filename, Port, etc.)
  * Shows now KB/sec
  * Properties of a Disk (Used, Free, Total- Space, PieGraph)
  * Shows notify in a small window when a server connect to the Client
    (reverse connection only)
  * Fixed bug 'Set file Attributes'
  * Added "FileSize" into the main ListView
  * Autorefesh on Download\Upload a file
  * Client minimize to tray ..

      :: Added/Fixed in 0.4 ::
  + Transfer Graph, shows Received/Sent Bytes into a Graph, like the WindowsXP Processmanager
  + Processmanager
    - Processname
    - PID
    - Path of the Process
    - Username of the Process
    - Memory usage of the Process
    - When find server in the Processlist then server line will be colored in red
    - CPU Usage in percent
  - Server works just anymore for Windows XP\Windows 2000\Windows NT
  + File Properties
    - Icon of the File (will be Downloaded from Remote PC)
    - Filetype
    - Filesize
    - Filepath
    - Filename
  # known bug: Icon isnt TrueColor, so you see by some WinXP Icons the Shadow.
  + New Splash
  :: fwbp+ Tested on Default Security Level ::
  + Look'n'Stop v2.05p2
  + McAfee Firewall v6.0.6014
  + Outpost Firewall Pro v2.6.452.5123 (403) - you should use Port 80 here if you dont want to see the "Create a rule" dialog
  + Sygate Personal Firewall Pro v5.5
  + Sygate Personal Firewall v5.6
  + Tiny Desktop Firewall 2005 v6.5.92
  + ZoneAlarm v5.5.094.000

  cya (v)aster

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