
Released 20 years, 4 months ago. May 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Splinter

Author Splinter
Family Eraser
Category Remote Access
Version Eraser
Released Date May 2004, 20 years, 4 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\mswinsock.OCX  size: 108.336 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\root.exe       size: 104.236 bytes 

port: 871 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Root"
data: ROOT.EXE

Author Information / Description
Eraser is a simple program that allows tohe user to connect to the server and remotley erase everything on the
server computer, and after it finishes this, the keyboard and mouse are blocked, the screen is turned black and 
it type on the screen "You've just been erased" 
-Nice little extra.
The server when executed copies itself to windows and makes itsef a hidden file. 
Registry entires are made ensuring the program loads up with windows.
Simply run the client and type in the IP Address of the computer running the server and click the Connect button.
Two options appear, disarm and detonate bith self-explanatory.
Server also installs MSWINSOCK.OCX to the infected computer meaning 
that this file does not have to be transfered and the server will work
Very small client and server.  

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