DYP Backdoor

Released 23 years, 9 months ago. May 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By ^Georgi^

DYP Backdoor
Author ^Georgi^
Family DYP Backdoor
Category Remote Access
Version DYP Backdoor
Released Date May 2001, 23 years, 9 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
dropped file:

size: 305.152 bytes

port: 6789 TCP

c:\windows\system.ini, [boot] "shell"

Author Information / Description
|  -= DYP backdoor =-         Language: English           |
* DYPbackdoor Port: 6789
* The default password to login is 'user'

<!> To avoid problems using the trojan it is recommended to use the standard
Windows Telnet Client (Start -> Run... -> telnet.exe ). If you want to connect
to the trojan using Linux you will fail :).. This is one of the bugs of this
trojan but may be in a future version it will be fixed.
Here are the commands you can use:
QUIT, LOGOUT - Disconnects you from the server. You'd better use this 'cos if don't
               closing the Telnet without sending this command first will result in
               an error on the remote PC and a not working trojan on it until the PC
               is restarted. (This is the second bug)

Time - Shows the time on the remote PC

exec <filename> - executes an .EXE file on the remote PC

Uptime - Shows the elapsed time since the Windows has started, respectively the
         time that the trojan's been active

Users - Shows you how many users have logged on the server since it has been active

LastLog - Shows the IP and the HOST of the last logged user

OpenCD, CloseCD - Opens and closes the CD-ROM

HideIcons, ShowIcons - Hides and shows the icons on the desktop

HideTaskbar, ShowTaskbar - Hides and shows the taskbar

HideClock, ShowClock - Hides and shows the clock in the System Tray

StopEcho, RunEcho - Disables and Enables the returning of characters. Default is Enabled,
                    so Disable the Echo on your telnet client and it will be fine.

StopMonitor, StartMonitor - Turns off and Turns on the monitor

OpenUrl <the_site_here> - Opens the url passed as the parameter ( you can use OpenUrl dyp.jpg
                          to open the picture)

GetUin - shows you the ICQ number of the person who owns the remote PC if there is such UIN

FreeMem - shows you the status of the remote PC's RAM. (total, free and so on)

Passes - shows you the passwords from the remote PC's PWL file

CPU - Shows you the frequency of the remote PC's CPU

ScreenResolution - Shows you the remote user's current screen resolution

User - Shows you the current logged user on the remote PC

RunDate - Shows the date and the time the trojan's been nested on the remote PC

WinVer - Windows version

Version - Shows you the version of the trojan (somethig like about :))

=- File Commands -=
dir [mask] - if no parameter is present lists all the files in the current directory
             otherwise it lists only the files which match the mask specified
             example: dir *.pwl will display all the files with extension PWL
del <filename> - deletes the file specified. it does not work with directories
mkdir <dirname> - makes a new directory in the current named as the parameter specified
cd <dirname> - changes the current directory example: 'cd windows', 'cd ..'
               to change the drive type 'cd d:\'

=- Admin mode -=
To logon as an admin on the trojan (there is no password for that :)) type 'su',
if the server has accepted you as an admin you should get the 'For admin commands type "adminhelp"
message. And the Command you may use are:

StopServer - Stops the trojan on the remote PC, untill the PC is restarted
             (in the next version DYPbackdoor1.3 will be a command 'Desinfect')
SetPass <password> - Changes the password. Not recommended for stupid people 'cos they
                     may forget their new password and there is no way to login then
FTPport <port> - Changes the listening port of the DYP FtpServer (default is 21)

=- FTP Server -=
To logon on the FTP Server you will not be required an username and password
This is not good but I will fix that in the next versions. That's why I did
make a command 'FTPstat', so you can see wheater your ftp is on or off.

StartFTP - Starts the DYP Ftp Server on the 21-st port if you didn't change it
StopFTP - Stops the FTP Server
FTPstat - Shows the FTP Status (on or off)


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