
Released 22 years, 5 months ago. April 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Dave

Author Dave
Family Deves
Category Remote Access
Version Deves
Released Date Apr 2002, 22 years, 5 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
size: 53.248 bytes

port: 6200, 6201 TCP


Author Information / Description
D3v3'5 C113n7 / 53rv3r

General Information:

This is my first major remote administration tool, and I am proud of it! At the moment it has a few bugs and is rather strange.

PORT = 6200 & 6201 - This is the port it works on - You can't change it!

The Future:

- At the moment it has no startup thing, so you'll have to 'fool' the person into using the program however, I have startup code, just can't be asked to put it in.

-I will also put a keylogger in sooner or later

-Other grooved up enhancement will come soon


At the moment D4v3'5 C113n7 / 53rv3r doesn't have a GUI, it runs on commands

Here they are:

RUN - Runs a program - 'run c:\windows\notepad.exe'
DEL - Deletes a file - 'kill c:\windows\file.txt'
MSG - Displays A Message - 'msg hiya moron im watchin u'
GET - Gets A File - 'get c:\windows\win.ini'
SUB - Displays a list of sub-directories - 'sub c:\windows'
DIR - Displays a list of files with a given extension - 'dir c:\windows bmp'
LST - Lists All Files (May Not Get All) - 'lst c:\windows'

-HIDDEN      - All of these set the file listing properties

IECACHE - Gets The IECache file - 'iecache'
HISTORY - Gets The IEHistory - 'history'
TIME - Gets remote time - 'time'
DATE - Gets remote date - 'date'

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