Deep Throat 3.0 (c)

Released 25 years, 3 months ago. June 1999

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By ^Cold^

Deep Throat 3.0 (c)
Author ^Cold^
Family Deep Throat
Category Remote Access
Version Deep Throat 3.0 (c)
Released Date Jun 1999, 25 years, 3 months ago.
Additional Information
size: 266.752 bytes

Author Information / Description
DarkLIGHT Corp Production by ^Cold^

By using this software you agree that I am NOT liable for any consequential, special,
incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance or use of this software. 

All of the features are quite stright foward

i don't have time to explain them in full right 
now but in the next release i will.

Known Problems -

The FTP client is a bit unstable i am still working on it
It's best to use a well know FTP Client like bullet proof

also the sendkeys function is acting up as well some 
times it works some times it doesn't when it doesn't it 
just sends the keys to the top window. the '|' charecter 
can be used as a return or enter

Also when scanning the buttons get stuck up but they 
still work this is a problem with the button component i used

Cool features -

Net Get - This rules!!! gets the server to d/l a file from a web site

Port Redirect - Sp00f your ip with this (basically it acts like a proxy)

Key logger - Watch what they type in real time

Any way have phun


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