Deep Throat 1.0

Released 26 years, 4 months ago. October 1998

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By ^Cold^

Deep Throat 1.0
Author ^Cold^
Family Deep Throat
Category Remote Access
Version Deep Throat 1.0
Released Date Oct 1998, 26 years, 4 months ago.
Additional Information
size: 260.971 bytes

port: 2140, 3150 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "SystemDLL32"

Author Information / Description
DeepThroat v1.0.
[email protected]
By The DarkLIGHT Corporation.

OverView :-

	This Program is A Remote Administion Tool. ;-)
RemoteControl Is Used to Control the hosts and 
Systempatch is the server (Do Not Run This)

(The RemoteControl Uses Some fonts you may not have if you don't have them
it will install them to c:\windows\fonts. If for some reason it doesn't work and
the RemoteControl is messed up Download the from my web site and install 
them in your font folder)

License Agrement -

	DeepThroat v1.0 Is FREEWARE and no charge should be made to download it. By using this Program You Agree that I take no responsabilty on how you use it and what purpose you use it for.
I also take NO responsabilty for any damage that is caused by using this program. So bascilly if some thing happens I'm Not in the shit.

"In no event shall I, the author, be liable for any consequential, special, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance or use of this software. "

Features -

From The 10/10/98 DT has the following Features -

1.\  Ejecting And Closing The CD-ROM Drive - Ummmmmmmmm it unscrews the CD-ROM and Ejects it across the room, Honist
2.\  Msg Box - Sends a Msg Box To The Host
3.\  Hide\Show Startbar - Really Funny When Used On PPL Who Know Nothing)
4.\  FTP Server - Starts a FTP Server (On Port 21) Which Allows you too upload/download load files from the host (FTP CLIENT NEEDED)
5.\  Capture Screen - Captures the screen to a Jpeg around 80Kb and sends it to you. 
When it is fully Downloaded RemoteControl displays the JPG with your computers JPG image viewer probbally Internet Explorer Or Netscape
6.\  Send To URL - Sends Host to A Url Of Your Choice
7.\  Turn Monitor On/Off - This sends the hosts monitor to Powersave mode and it can only be turned back on by you!!
8.\  Steal Passwords - _*This Is not inculeded Yet As I Can't Fiqure Out How The F*** to Do it!!!!*_ Mail Me If You Know How!
9.\  Spawn Prog - (I Sugest using this along with the FTP server) Runs a Program
10.\ Spawn Prog Invis - Spawns a program invisibly
11.\ Reboot - (I inculed this incase it is needed but Please use it wisely Don't be a Lamer!!!!)
12.\ Scanner - This is to scan for Hosts with DT server running
13.\ Ping Host - Sends a packet to see in host is Running the Server
14.\ Host System info

To use the FTP server you will need a FTP Client Like Cute FTP or WS_FTP, This allows you to Upload and download files from the server
(Any Client Should Work)

Well Thats it As soon as i start getting New ideas I shall Update DT. If you have any ideas of features i can add. Email me and I will see if i can help you.

Have Phun -

^Cold^ KiLler

CEO of DarkLIGHT Corp.

Thanks Goto-

IcEd For HelpIng Me With This project. 
(Couldn't have done it without him)
And To All The PLL that helped me test it!

Darklight Corp - From The Light Comes The Darkness to Reign Supream
 "I am living Proof that you can achive your Dreams.... BEEFCAKE!!!!!!"

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