DataSpy Network X 0.3 beta

Released 23 years, 9 months ago. May 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By DataSpy

DataSpy Network X 0.3 beta
Author DataSpy
Family DataSpy Network X
Category Remote Acces
Version DataSpy Network X 0.3 beta
Released Date May 2001, 23 years, 9 months ago.
Language Visual C++
Additional Information
dropped file:

port: 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 113 TCP


Author Information / Description
 DataSpy  Network  X  Version  0.3  Beta  Readme.txt
    \\ DSNX Copywrong DataSpy (
[email protected]
) \\

# Info     #
DSNX is written and compiled with MSVC 6.0 Standard.
Greetings to CyberFly!, SilenceGold, nog :P, RaYmAn, Stskeeps and anyone else i forgot...

Released: Early May 2001
# Features     #

-New Features In 0.3 Beta
+ Server List
+ Better FloodBot Handling (More control): 
  The bastards dont automatically start flooding.. change type of flood / target 
  and issue raw irc commands to them also.
+ Added three types of flooding (Join/Part, Contorl Char and DCC Send)
  Removed Services Killer (For now) :P
+ Mask/Host Authentication
+ Added Command NonSplitting: You can specify not to break up an input command :
  !k fuck all would normally be broken up into 'k', 'fuck' and 'all'.
  By parseing the command with speech marks it wont break text within the speech marks. 
  Eg: !k "fuck all" 77 would break into 'k', 'fuck all' and '77'.
+ Put all the clone/floodbot commands into the !c subdirectory.
+ Added query window as a possible place to reply to commands.
+ Added spaces before the reply so all the replys from bots with different 
  length nicknames are aligned (Easier to read)

-Features From Previous version(s)
+ All user data encrypted to prevent comprimisation of botnet :P
+ NickDB (Nick DataBase) The main bots take on real names instead of random text
  (LMAO you get some funny ones!)
+ Specify where the bot replys to (Channel, Notice or Query)
+ Errors are marked for the owner to see (in bold text)
+ Port Redirect
+ Web Download And Execute
+ Execute remote command/file silently
+ Ident Server Built In
+ Extensive clone/floodbot handling
+ Lots more never seen before / undocumented

-Bugs Fixed
+ Port redirect now shows real ip address
+ Umm...

# Key     #

 * <----------------- Means optional
 *Match_Text <------- Searches for the string in the current data
  (Eg server name, target) and only if it matches does it do anything
 <PREFIX> <---------- The prefix you specified when building your bot

# Usage   #
-Building DSNX.exe

	Run DSNXeditor.exe and fill in all the required fields
	Click Create EXE

	#Editor Options
	- IRC Server and Port 
	- #channel channel_key
	- Reply to (Channel,Notice or Query) - Where the bots send the messages
	- Password - Say the password to the bot in a channel or private message (no prefix)
	- Prefix - One char that must be put infront of all commands
	- Hostmask - Max 10, sperated by a colon ';' ? integer or * wildcard 
	  (Note, no colon on the begining or end, only seperating)
		Eg: *;nickname!ident@*.com;dataspy!grnder@*
	- Pack after create - If selected (recomended) will pack the server using UPX

-Logging In

	Type your password to the bot either in a channel or in a private message
	=Note, only one login is allowed per mainbot, 
	if someone else is logged in you cannot login.

-Logging Out

-Retreive IOHandler Info


-Start a port redirect

	<PREFIX>P Source_Port Destination_Address *Output_Port
	=Note, destination address can be a server list specified by sl<num>

-Stop a/all port redirect

	<PREFIX>P *Match_Text   Only stops ones with match text
	<PREFIX>P		Stops all port redirect

-Create a main bot

	<PREFIX>M #channel Irc_Server *Port
	<PREFIX>M "#channel_AndKey" Irc_Server *Port
	=Note, Currently DSNX tries to stop you creating a new mainbot in the 
	current mainbot's channel

-Quitting/Restarting DSNX

	<PREFIX>Q *seconds_untill_return
	=Note, If seconds_untill_return is not specified, 
	the bot will wait untill it is run again before returning,
	otherwise it will return as soon as seconds_untill_return is up.

-Raw IRC Command To MainBot

	<PREFIX>R "Command"

-Change NickName

	<PREFIX>N *Nick_Length
	=Note, To change the max length of the bots nickname (default is 9) specify Nick_Length

-Execute Remote Local Program

	<PREFIX>E Path_And_Program

-Download File From Web Server


-Uninstall DSNX on remote machine

	=Note, Must be done twice, second time for confirmation

-Server List Commands

When connecting to a server in a server list, the first server is chosen at random,
then the list will be cycled untill a connection is established.
Maximum of 4 list cycles before giving up.

	#Create New Server List
		<PREFIX>S N *List_Number Server1 Server2 Server3....
		=Note, If List_Number is not specified the next server list available will be used

	#Servers List Info

-Clone/Floodbot Commands

 3:Large blocks of random text
 4:DCC Send Flooding
 5:Nick Flooding

	L-Load / Create Floodbots/Clones
		<PREFIX>C L Number_To_Load *Server *Port
		=Note, If Server and or Port arent specified then the current server
		the control bot is on will be used.

	K-Kill Floodbots/Clones
		<PREFIX>C K *Match_Text

	G-Start Flood (Go)

		<PREFIX>C G Target *Type_Of_Flood *Match_Text           //For Users, only types 1 and 3 will work
		<PREFIX>C G #Target *Type_Of_Flood *Match_Text         //For Channels
		=Note, Default flood type is number 1 : CTCP Flooding

	S-Stop Flood
		<PREFIX>C S *Match_Text

	T-Change Target

		<PREFIX>C T New_Target *Match_Text

	X-Change FloodType
		<PREFIX>C X New-Type *Match_Text
	R-Send Raw IRC Command
		<PREFIX>C R "Command" *Match_Text

DataSpyNetworkX (C) DataSpy 2001
 Email :
[email protected]
[17.09 8th May 2001]

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