
Released 18 years, 8 months ago. January 2006

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Markus S. aka My-Self

From Germany
Author Markus S. aka My-Self
Family Darkviews
Category Remote Access
Version Darkviews
Released Date Jan 2006, 18 years, 8 months ago.
Additional Information
dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\system32\example.exe                                                Size: 74,428 bytes 
c:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\example.exe    Size: 74,428 bytes 
port: 5000 TCP

c:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

tested on Windows XP
February 20, 2006

Author Information / Description
+ Client
- Minimize to tray
- Server builder
+ Reverse connection (Can handle 1 connection at the same time)
+ Full filemanager
- Get special folders
- Upload
- Download
- Rename
- Filesize
- Execute
- Delete
+ Get & set the clipboard
+ Realtime-keylogger
+ Screencapture
- Simulate mouseclicks
- JPEG compression for fast screentransfer
+ Adminstration
- Control mouse
- Disable mouse
- Taskmanager enabled / disable
- Blackscreen (like turning the screen off)
- Eject / load CD-Tray
- Beep ;)
- Swap mousebuttons
- Flash keyboardlights
+ Windows
- Shutdown
- Reboot
- Log off
+ Chat
+ Process monitor
- List
- Kill
+ Write batch-scripts and run them remotely
+ Messagebox

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