Dark IRC X.0

Released 22 years, 11 months ago. October 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By stalky

Dark IRC X.0
Author stalky
Family Dark IRC
Category Remote Access
Version Dark IRC X.0
Released Date Oct 2001, 22 years, 11 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information

size: 281 KB

port: 8888 TCP

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "WinXp"

Author Information / Description
//darkirc by stalky

This program is to be used to test your own irc server and your own box or
with the admin of the box's permision.. Do not use darkirc if your planning
on doing bad with it... If you do use this program for bad you agree that
the aurthur will not be held responasble for anything illegal you do with it.
Gr33tz To: darkirc crew , silicon , elly , steven , ResinDog , #fl00dcentral ,
#delphi , Austnet crew , Welcome back Ryan1918! , Thanks freedumb for all the help!!
Fixed alt tab (cant be seen now)
Fixed .cloneload4 (it used to quit the bot)
Fixed Disconnection problem (wouldnt come back/ Now reconnects)
Fixed Editserver (generaly fucked)
Fixed clone problem (Could run more than 1 server.exe at once)
Fixed nick problem (used to be random nicks banned easily)
Fixed .clonemsg (would only msg 1 word)
Fixed .spambotmessage (Read above)
Fixed .msg (Read above)
Fixed Editserver bug... Didnt open (thanks Ars0nik)
Added .findsubseven (finds subseven editserver settings)
Added .cloneload to 20 clones
Added .find c:\*.mpeg (finds files on the victims pc (very handy)
Added Removes most lame bots (gt / litmus)
Added New login system (two people cant use it at once)
Added .logoff
Added .cloneusermode
Added .spread (spreads darkirc through the victims email (NASTY :P))
.login <password>
.join #channel
.part #channel
.webpage <http://www.webpage.com>
.run <c:\file.exe>
.runhidden <c:\file.exe>
.download <http://server.exe> <c:\server.exe>
.msg <#channel/nick> <msg>
.find <c:\*.jpg*>
.ftp <password> <port>
.packet <ipaddress> <ammount>
.igmp <addr>
.redirect irc.dal.net 6667 6969
.op <nick>
.deop <nick>
.cycle <#chan>
.socketconnect <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.update <http://darkircupdate.exe>
.cloneload <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone2load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone3load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone4load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone5load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone6load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone7load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone8load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone9load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone10load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone11load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone12load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone13load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone14load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone15load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone16load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone17load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone18load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone19load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clone20load <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.clonemsg <nick/#chan> <Hello!>
.clonenot <nick/#chan> <Hello!>
.clonectcpflood <nickname/#chan>
.clonejoinpartflood <#chan>
.clonejoin <#chan>
.clonepart <#chan>
.cloneusermode <+x>
.clonetextflood <chan/nick>
.clonetextflood2 <chan/nick
.clonetextflood3 <chan/nick>
.clonetextflood4 <chan/nick>
.clonerandomflood <chan/nick>
.clonesuperflood <chan/nick>
.spambotload <irc.dal.net> <6667>
.spambotmessage <Hello, i am a spammer>
.spambotjoin <#chan>
.spambotpart <#chan>


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