
Copyright © MegaSecurity

By c400s

From Brazil
Author c400s
Family Core
Category Remote Access
Version CoreServer
Additional Information
size: 137.216 bytes

port: 80, 7007 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "CoreSrv"

Author Information / Description
UPLOAD Coresrv.exe and Coresrv.dat into victims Windows Directory. 
Execute Coresrv.exe and your IRCD is now running. Works on Win XP also.

Coresrv.dat is the IRCD Config file and you may want to edit it with a text editor before deployment.

By default the IRC Server will listen on port 80 so to connect type /server ipaddressofvictim 80

To use extra ports uncomment the Port lines in the 
Config by removing the # and save it. 

Using port 6667 is more or less a dead giveaway so be creative in what ports you use or connect bots to.


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