BlackCore 2.0

Released 20 years, 4 months ago. May 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Otacon

Author Otacon
Family BlackCore
Category Remote Access
Version BlackCore 2.0
Released Date May 2004, 20 years, 4 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
size: 92.043 bytes

Port: 55126, 55127 TCP

Author Information / Description
Client     = Trojan Controller
Builder    = Trojan Server Builder

BlackCore v2.0 has fixed or added the following features:
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..       Finally....A Server builder!!!!!!    ..
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		-= specify the server name
		-= specify the server port
		-= enable or disable and set a password
		-= allow server to startup with windows
		-= goto custom webpage on startup
		-= has working ICQ notification
		-= fully customizable custom message box creator
		-= has the option to compress with UPX

		-= once again we re-made the GUI and cut the screen size of the client down a lot
		-= added the mswinsck.ocx file to the client so if you don't have it the client will install it
		-= added coments when commands are being executed and after the event is done with

		-= reduced the server size by removing the mscomctl.ocx from within the server
		-= fixed bug so now the mswinsck.ocx will sucessfully install and register.
		-= fixed bug that displayed "memory address in use"


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