BlackCore 1.1

Released 20 years, 5 months ago. April 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Otacon

BlackCore 1.1
Author Otacon
Family BlackCore
Category Remote Access
Version BlackCore 1.1
Released Date Apr 2004, 20 years, 5 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
dropped file:

size: 539.136 bytes 

port: 55126, 55127 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "SERVER"

Author Information / Description
BlackCore v1.1 has fixed the added the following features:

-= obviously a new skin has been applied
-= The remove server now removes the registry keys
-= you can now just invert the screen
-= the matrix has been added
-= hid the server from control+alt+delete
-= controlling the mouse is now working
-= the mswinsck.ocx and mscomctl.ocx have been embedded to the server(that explains the large size)


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