Black Eagle

Released 20 years, 3 months ago. June 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By The Saint BassReFlex

Black Eagle
Author The Saint BassReFlex
Family Black Eagle
Category Remote Access
Version Black Eagle
Released Date Jun 2004, 20 years, 3 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
size: 106.496 bytes

port: 6006 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "server"

Author Information / Description
This is my first trojan. It's more like an API trojan. Related
to MSN Messenger hacking. However, it's a very good one. I like it!

                    -=8=- USAGE -=8=-

Simple. As all other trojans. Send server.exe to the victim. When he
executes it, you are able to connect to him through Client.exe by typing
his IP address. After connection, you can do the following features.

- Clear Clipboard (Clear victim's clipboard text/data)
- Kick from MSN (Sign victim out of MSN Messenger)
- Send Messages (Send any message to the victim)
- Flood Text (You use Send Messages to do that)
- Steal Password (Steal victim's password. One of the best ways)
- Porn Flood (LoL. Victim will be flooded with porn sites :D)
- Kill Server (Remove server from victim's computer)

Also one good feature is that at first start of server.exe, registry is edited
and from that time, server will start along with Windoze. So you can connect to 
victim whenever he starts the computer ;)

The Saint BassReFlex

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