Binary Weaver

Released 20 years, 7 months ago. February 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By ~Be-Gone~

Author ~Be-Gone~
Family Binary Weaver
Category Information Stealer
Version Binary Weaver
Released Date Feb 2004, 20 years, 7 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
size: 32.768 bytes (unpacked)


Author Information / Description
FireStorm EOptions Pass Grabber w/ Auto Emailer v1.0
By : Be-Gone

How To Use:
Open the configure exe
Select the server exe in the folder dir box
input ur bot name, bot pass, and the email u want the stolen pass to go to
(must use a valid yahoo bot name and pass)
then hit configure
it will make the file use those keys(bot,pass,email)

next hit encrypt to make file smaller and hide keys

then send it to whom u like.

remember to reconfigure the file u must first decrypt it!!

anyways have fun, good luck


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