Big Brother 3.5.1

Released 22 years, 8 months ago. January 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By AngoraSoftware

Big Brother 3.5.1
Author AngoraSoftware
Family Big Brother
Category Remote Access
Version Big Brother 3.5.1
Released Date Jan 2002, 22 years, 8 months ago.
Language Visual C++
Additional Information
c:\program files\BigBrother\\Capture.exe 

size: 289.792 bytes

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "BigBrother"

Author Information / Description
Supervise dozens of windows machines simultaneously in one window (up to 500) 

Configurable thumbnail size

Configurable color depth

Configurable refresh time

Scalable distributed architecture limited only by the bandwidth and throughput of the supervisor

Easy-to-read full-size user screens

Unlimited group selections with unlimited members, and members in more than one group

Bandwidth utilization only on request and fully configurable

Stealth client modes from obvious to virtually undetectable

Simple double-click functionality

Lock student's keyboard and mouse

Remotely control student's computer

Group computers for easy viewing

Basic and NT-Based security

List and kill client processes

"Rogue List" of machines not available to watch

Simple local and remote installation

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