AT&T WordNet Service Password Stealer

Released 22 years, 5 months ago. April 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By akcom

Author akcom
Family Kcom
Category Information Stealer
Version AT&T WordNet Service Password Stealer
Released Date Apr 2002, 22 years, 5 months ago.
Language Delphi

Author Information / Description
AT&T WordNet Service Password Stealer

Version 4.0
Encryption Optional

version 3.5

Version 3.0
Edit Server
Better GUI

Version 2.0 Updates:
Longer ICQ Number Support
Added Yahoo! password stealer

version 1.5 Updates
Added save to file support

Open up the cookie in the editserver and edit away ;-)
this release was a tab bit rushed
next release will support the general cookie stealer

If u dont like icq this also logs to a file:
C:\win(type here).sys
ie for aim: C:\winaim.sys

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