
Released 22 years ago. October 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By chiptricky

Author chiptricky
Family AimFrame
Category Remote Access
Version AimFrame
Released Date Oct 2002, 22 years ago.
Language Visual Basic

Author Information / Description
:::...AimFrame - Alpha 1 coded by chiptricky...:::

--What is AimFrame?

	AimFrame is a piece of software designed to act as a third party in the connection of Aol Instant Messenger (AIM) and the AIM server.  I basicly runs a server on the local computer that it is run on and changes the settings in aim to connect to that server.  When AIM sends the request to connect to the sever, it goes that that program.  Then, AimFrame will redirect the request to the aim server.  By doing this, all data sent from the server to the client goes through AimFrame, and all data sent from the client to the server goes through AimFrame.  There have been other programs such as "AimFilter" which uses this same concept.  But never has this concept been incorporated remotely.  Now you can discretely connect to a computer running AimFrame, and send commands to both the AIM client, and the AIM server.

--How do I use AimFrame?

	The AimFrame program is very simple to use.  It can be access and controlled by just about any Windows OS 95 and later.  Within the Windows OS, there is a program called Telnet, this is what you will use to control your victims aim.  I have compiled simple step by step by instructions on the whole process of using the software.  Even idiots can figure it out.

AimFrame Step by Step Instructions
1.  Get the file on your victim's computer.  Get them to run it.  You can rename it, do whatever it is to get them to open it.  You could even use a program called "ResHack" to change the Icon of the program to something more tempting, such as... a playboy bunny :)  There is also some software out there which you can use to combine AimFrame, with another program such as a screensaver or a game.  This way, its on there computer and they won't even suspect anything.

2.  Get your victims IP address.  What the hell is an IP address?  It is a number such as..., it is how your computer is identified on the internet.  Every computer in the world that is on the internet has a unique address.  In order for telnet to know where it needs to connect at, your going to need to give it this number.  How do you get it?  There are TONS of ways to get an IP address but the easiest way is just to somehow get your victim to click a link via IM or email.  I've included a very small tool in with the AimFrame bundle that will help you retrieve the victim's IP.  Just launch it and follow the instructions.  For the experienced users,  Im sorry for the kiddie talk.  Just wanna make sure every one understands.  If you are an advanced user, there's a nifty IP notify feature built into the program. 
Make use and check up on that document located in the AimFrame package.

3.  Alright now for the fun part... Getting Connected!  On your windows taskbar, click the start button, and select run.  Type "telnet IP 6".  (without quotes. Where you see IP, you will put the IP address.)  click ok.  Now, for windows 95 and 98 user's.  Your more than likely going to see a white dialog window popup.  You should see a colon.  For NT, 2000, and XP user's, your probably going to see a black "DOS-Like" window.  But either way, if you've done everything right, you will see a colon.  There are certain commands you're going to have to memorize if you want to make your AimFrame experience a pleasent one.  The next section will list them and briefly explain what they do, and how to use them.

AimFrame Commands for Alpha 1

	thesn-(screename)	|  Sets the screenname for which you want to preform the action
	sim-(message)	|  Sends an IM to the screenname that you set. (see "thesn")  after sim- you will type the content of the IM.
	son-(screenname)	|  Make's the victim's AIM appear as if the specified screen name has signed on.  If no screen name is specified, it uses the default. (see "thesn")
	soff-(screenname)	|  Make's the victim's AIM appear as if the specified screen name has signed off.  If no screen name is specified, it uses the default. (see "thesn")
	showdata-(c)(o)	|  Used to view that data that is being sent between the server and the client. use "o" to open port 5, and "c" to close it. telnet IP 5 (shows the data if the port is open)
	stopdata-(c)(s)	|  If you want to block outgoing data to the server, use -s.  If you want to block incoming data to the client, use -c
	allowdata-(c)(s)	|  If you want to allow outgoing data to the server, use -s.  If you want to allow incoming data to the client, use -c
	x		|  Disconnects you from AimFrame
	e		|  Disconnects you, and closes AimFrame completely. (cannot reconnect)


Send an Instant Message discretely -> 

				:sim-Hey baby, you wanna scrump?

Make it appear as if someone has signed on ->
				:thesn-BobBaker16		|	:son-BobBarker16
				:son			|

Make it appear as if someone has signed off ->
				:thesn-JoeSomeBody21	|	:soff-JoeSomeBody21
				:soff			|

Problems with AimFrame

The Telnet type engine screws up sometimes with slow connections.  
It appears as if you have screwed up while typing.  Im working on it so just bear 
with me until the next version comes out.  Thanks.

The most common problem with AimFrame is that it uses a file called MSWINSCK.OCX. 
In most cases on windows 98 machines.  That file is there, and ready to use. 
But on some NT based operating systems such as XP and 2000, even though the file 
maybe there... You have to register it.  So if your victim says that it said something 
about MSWINSCK.OCX, just tell them to download the file located here 
( - I am not hosting that file so 
if it goes down, just search google or something)  Once they have downloaded it,
tell them to put it in the windows system folder.  (usually C:\windows\system).  
Then tell them to click start>run>regsvr32 mswinsck.ocx and then ok. 
This should fix the problem.  Good luck on getting your victim to do this. 
Maybe MSWINSCK will be incorporated in later versions?


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