
Released 25 years, 8 months ago. June 1999

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Cheitan

Author Cheitan
Family Admin.Troj.Kikzyurarse
Category Remote Access
Version Admin.Troj.Kikzyurarse
Released Date Jun 1999, 25 years, 8 months ago.
Language Visual Basic

Author Information / Description
Function:        To get any priviledge you wish on a WindowsNT machine

How is works:    Simply run ATK.exe, and answer the two questions that 
                 are asked (You can change them or leave them on default), 
                 then press OK. We highly recommend you add yourself to 
                 the Administrators group while your at it, but of course,
                 it's your choice =). You'll become what you chose to be 
                 the next time an Administrator logs in. Dont worry, you'll
                 be warned of what you became =)

Drop Menus:      Localgroup  =  The localgroup to which to add yourself.
                                The Administrators are the highest, the
                               Guests are the lowest.

Text Boxes:      Username    =  Every user has a specific username. The
                                default usernames (Accounts) are Admini-
                                strator and Guest (Disabled by default). 
                                The username in which you are currently 
                                logged on is already in the box, but you
                                can change it if you want.

Commands:        OK          = Click here to accept changes
                 About       = Info about the program (Doh!)
                 Remove      = Remove the trojan if it's installed
                 Exit        = I'll give you 3 tries to figure out what this is

Other Comments:  -ATK will warn the user that has been added to a group once
                  he has been added, and then delete all trace of itself.
                 -This program exploits no holes, and no leaks. It uses
                  simple logic actions, thus, it cannot be fixed, and it works
                  on any version of WindowsNT. Now comon, I know you love me!

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